Vital Differences Between Residential, Commercial and Construction Cleaning

If you need to hire someone for any type of cleaning job, you may assume that all cleaning companies and services are alike; after all, cleaning is cleaning, or so you might think. However, there are some very important differences between residential, commercial, and construction cleaning, and understanding those differences will ensure you choose the right company for your cleaning needs, and that the work will be done properly and thoroughly.

Residential cleaning

When having your home cleaned, you might want the space to look inviting once it's been cleaned; a residential cleaner might then straighten cushions on furniture, arrange knickknacks, pick up toys and the like. Commercial and construction cleaners may not know how to give a home this type of finishing touch. Also, commercial cleaners may not be familiar with chores like cleaning the inside of a home's oven or bathtub, as these features are not usually found in commercial buildings.

Commercial cleaning

Unlike a residential cleaner, a commercial cleaner may be familiar with how to handle large rubbish bins and hazardous trash and may also be more skilled in cleaning around computers and other such office equipment without the risk of damaging these items. Commercial cleaners may also be able to offer shredding services, heavy-duty floor cleaning that is needed in an office and other such services that are often beyond the scope of residential cleaners.

Construction cleaning

Construction cleaning involves detail work that isn't typically included in residential and commercial cleaning, such as trimming fresh caulk off window frames and around bathtubs, vacuuming heater vents that trap construction dust, and picking up construction scrap left behind by builders. Construction cleaning is also much harder than other types of cleaning, as new carpet has lots of loose fibres that need vacuuming, and construction dust, which is typically much thicker than household dust, can settle onto every surface.

Companies that specialise in construction cleaning may also need to be available to clean while the work is being done. For example, vacuuming new carpeting several times during construction can eliminate some layers of dust that might settle onto its surface, protecting that new flooring. Cleaning construction scraps regularly during a build can mean a safer work environment, and some surfaces may need to be cleaned before tile and other such materials are installed. This is why it's always good to choose a company that specialises in construction cleaning for any new build, rather than assuming that even a commercial cleaner can manage the job.
