How Often Should You Have Your Office Professionally Cleaned?

When you need to bring in an outside company for cleaning your office, you may wonder how many times per week and per month you should schedule these regular services and how often you should have specialised cleaning done, such as window washing or carpet shampooing. While every office will be different, note a few guidelines you might consider so you can determine the best schedule for your office.

Clients or visitors

How often do you have visitors to your office? If your business is the type that has regular, daily visitors, such as an accounting or law firm, you may want to have a general cleaning done every day or at least every other day. It can be important that the office is clean and that the trash is empty when visitors arrive, and waiting even a full week to dust, vacuum and empty the rubbish bins can mean an office that looks unkempt and downright dirty. Regular visitors are also tracking in more dirt and dust when they enter the office, so the space may need weekly or even daily cleaning if you have a high number of regular visitors to the office.

However, if you host visitors much less often, such as for a monthly meeting or tour, you may be able to reduce the office cleaning to every week or just as often as is needed to empty rubbish bins and wipe down desks. You might also ask the office cleaning company you hire if they would schedule an added visit during the month for when you do have your open house or otherwise need the office especially clean.

Industrial areas

If your office is located in an industrial complex, with a lot of warehouses and production facilities around you, your office may get especially dirty throughout the week. Production facilities and warehouses with forklifts and other such machinery may be producing soot and smoke that captures dust and air pollution, allowing these contaminants to settle onto your facility; your office may then start to look very dirty and dingy, even if you don't have a production area or use forklifts in your own building.

Having the carpets vacuumed more than once per week can keep the carpets looking like new; it can also be good to have surfaces dusted and cleaned more than once per week so that employees can breathe easier. You might also notice that you need the exterior windows washed regularly, even every month, because they will hold soot, dust and other debris that is circulated by those surrounding industrial areas.

Talk with professional cleaners about your working environment and see how often they would recommend certain cleaning routines.
